Friday, May 13, 2011


This blog is mainly an extension from my main website for my writings. My website is:

Feel free to take a look.

To update everyone with what's going on, I have asked a few close friends of mine to help me edit my first book and get it publish ready. But unfortunately, they didn't come through. So, I am re-reading it for the millionth time to make sure all mistakes are fixed. In addition to this, I am also writing the second part of Silenced. I'm coming along with it slowly. So far just the second part has taken me close to two years to complete. Yes, very time consuming.

In addition to writing my novel, I am also writing articles to post here on my blog. Lots of research involved there. I am also thinking of starting a critique group in the area where I live so those writer's around me can all get together and have their work critiqued by other writers. Hopefully, I can find all the support and help I need with starting this group.

As for now, I will continue with my personal goals that I set for this year and my writing.  You may also find articles that I will repost (with the orginial author noted within the blog) that I found interesting.

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading.

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