Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Review: The Bachelor Farmers by Brenda Sorrels

Title: The Bachelor Farmers
Author: Brenda Sorrels
Pages: 152
Format: Paperback


Hans and Jon, the youngest of four immigrant brothers, have just inherited land from their recently deceased father and set out to develop it, thus perpetuating the family dream of success in America. When Jon learns that the husband of Mahal, a beautiful half-breed, Ojibwa woman, has been injured on their property and cannot work, he hires her to be their personal cook.

Under the eye of his disapproving brother, Jon finds himself falling in love, but when a terrible blizzard blows into town without warning, the three of them must deal with the consequences and make decisions that will ultimately reshape their lives in profound and unimaginable ways.


The Bachelor Farmers by Brenda Sorrels took me by surprise. I wasn't really interested in reading this book due to the title. It didn't catch my eye. As I started it and gave it a chance, I found myself at the end of the book.

The plot went by smoothly and the characters were believable. I found myself smiling and laughing with them. I can tell several hours or more of research was put into this book which helped make it a great read.

When Hans and Jon are introduced, I felt like it was hard to connect. I didn't like the attitude Hans showed Mahal even though she was helping them so much. When the blizzard came without warning, I was surprised to see how things unfolded from there.

The ending really threw me for a loop which I didn't see coming. I must say I love books I can't guess the plot to. I'm giving this book 5 ***** stars.

The author gave me a copy in return for an honest review.

1 comment:

Paulette Mahurin said...

loved this book. A great read!


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